The Do’s and Don’ts of Following Up

The Do’s and Don’ts of Following Up

Following up with clients.

As business owners, we all have to do it. So…What’s the best approach? Let’s take a look at some Do’s and Don’ts of following up…




Be sure to build a relationship with your potential clients. This is the most important when trying to build your clientele! Use their first name; get to know them as a person; understand their needs. At the end of the day follow-up for me is about building relationships regardless of whether someone decides to hire me or buy a product. 




Be real. I truly believe people can see right through fake.  It’s true what they say (not sure who originally said it) “The fortune is in the follow-up” So true! But only if you’re authentic! Showing up as you can and truly engaging with others.




Set yourself apart from the rest. This goes hand in hand with showing what only you can share. What skills do you have that other businesses might not offer? Are you fun? Do you have specific hobbies that might be of interest to them? Flaunt what you got!




Never start a message with “Hey girl…” If you send me a DM or text and start it with that cringe-worthy phrase…I will probably ignore it. Harsh…I know, but it’s a huge pet peeve of mine! Leave the “Hey girl” for your girlfriends!




Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. Horrible sales reps can still close 10% of the time. If you meet with 100 people, ONLY 10 will say yes. Don’t you just love those statistics!? Keep pushing forward and doing what you do best.


Don’t get lost in those sales tactics. Everyone will be sending them and they can get old after a while...Be confident, personable, and look beyond increasing your sales. Build the relationships and the sales will come.

Remember you got this!



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