5 Ways to Plan Out Your Goals For the Year

5 Ways to Plan Out Your Goals For the Year

Let’s all remember that goal setting is not about achieving all your goals.

It’s about identifying them and working TOWARDS them!

Did you know that if you write down your goals you are 40% more likely to complete them!?

That being said, it’s okay if your goals change or are canceled halfway through. Knock that idea out of your head that once you write down your goals you HAVE to achieve them exactly as you intended. That’s just total bullsh*t. It’s TOTALLY acceptable to pivot how you achieve them, change the target or even scrap the whole goal if other priorities arise.

So how do we set and plan out our goals!?

  1. Start with your top 3! ...or 5, whatever works!

    For me, I might have family, business, and health goals. You pick 3 areas you really want to work on in a certain time frame. If you try to focus on more than 3 goals, you could easily get overwhelmed and give up. Start with your BIG priorities first!

  2. Break your goals down into small tasks.

    Generally, when I am feeling overwhelmed with any of my goals, it’s because I haven’t broken them down enough. Each task toward completing your goal should take you 10 minutes or less to complete. Shout out to all of my checklist crosser-offers!

  3. Make sure you track your progress.

    Are you a fan of Google Sheets? Trello? Google Calendar? Notes on your phone? Whatever you use, make sure you are tracking the progress of your goals. There are lots of planning resources out there for you. My favorite tools are Goal Focused Planners. There’s a great one called the Vibe and Thrive Planner by Judi Holler. Another one is the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt. They incorporate your goals right into your planner!  

  4. Stay productive when completing your goals.

    For me, the best time management hack is to know exactly what needs to be done when I sit down to work, go to clean my house, or even make dinner.  You’re less apt to waste time when you plan ahead. Make sure you are setting yourself up to succeed by giving yourself TIME to plan. 

  5. Systemize your goal-setting process: Create a system to keep your goals organized.

    Personally, I use Clickup to map out my big life visions, long-term goals, and yearly goals. I used to use Trello, both are fantastic! Each quarter I pull out my top goals and transfer them to my task list. Then at the beginning of each month, I use my paper planner to map out top priorities for my business, appointments needed, date nights, etc. I also use my paper planner to plan out each week (I love using stickers and colored pens...it’s my happy place!). Generally my repeated tasks live in Trello so I don’t waste time re-writing them and my appointments live in Google Cal so I can share my family. This part is about finding a method that works for YOU and how you will remember things and not waste time in the process!

Goal planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Take one step at a time and know it’s a journey...so get ready to take some imperfect action!


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