Summer Reading List


If you've ever taken Strength's Finder, you'll totally understand when I say one of my top strengths is "Learner."

I legit LOVE learning new things, I'm constantly on a mission of self-improvement...which can also have a negative side. So if you're like me, make sure you are also prioritizing rest...and maybe don't read the rest of this blog. HAHA!

My favorite way to consume information and learn new things is by reading and listening to audiobooks or podcasts. Reading can also impact our emotional intelligence and our mindset. According to CNBC, higher emotional intelligence can also lead to a more positive career outlook.


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If you're a learner, or just love a good non-fiction to read by the pool, I've compiled my TOP RECOMMENDATIONS.


Getting Things Done by David Allen

If you are looking for practical and actionable productivity tips this book is for you! I love all the nuggets in here. Even being someone who is highly organized, this book was extremely helpful for me. I think the biggest tip I took out is the daily brain dump. Make sure you grab a copy to learn more.


Essentialism by Greg McKeown

In the age of "Say YES to everything", this book was a great reminder to focus on what's essential. It also tackles those moments when you feel like you have EVERYTHING to do but in turn, end up doing NOTHING. I'm feeling like I might need to read it again this summer!


Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book is a fantastic read if you are looking to form good habits and break bad ones. Reshape the way you think about progress and success while creating healthy habits that will lead to continuous self-improvement. It's a great book to have on hand and relevant to reference over and over again!


Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Ready to challenge the principles of conventional accounting? The profit-first model does just that by taking a behavioral approach into account. To look at the formula as Sales - Profit + Expenses. Get ready to transform your business with 4 principles that will help you simplify your accounting.


The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

If you are ready to dig further into habits, this is a great read. It focuses on why habits exist and how we can change them. Similar to Atomic Habits, by understanding habits and their power, you can unlock more potential in your life!


Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss with Tahl Raz

If negotiation gives you hives (raises hand!) then this book is for you! I'm all about systems, and his blog (INSERT LINK) is all about systemizing negotiating. Practical tips written by a former FBI agent...the stories he shares are incredible. Even if you are a great negotiator, this is a great read/listen! (I highly recommend the listen as it is voiced by the author).


Fear is My Homeboy by Judi Holler

Judi is amazing, so fun and down to earth and her writing style is totally my jam. This book is GREAT if you're stuck in fear mode. Should I? Will I? What do I do next? I'm so glad I found her and her book early on in my business journey.


Michael Hyatt

He has a bunch of books all-around productivity and growing your business. I recommend any and all of his books! My productivity teachings are based on his methodology.


John Maxwell

Another author I recommend any and all of his books. He primarily teaches leadership. And I can tell you from experience as you're growing your business, your biggest investments and potentially biggest issues will be with your team. So growing those leadership muscles early is wise!


So grab a book and a cocktail as you work through your new poolside obsessions. And let me know what you think. If you read a book, tag me on Instagram and let me know your thoughts!

Happy reading!


The Importance of Business Systems


How to Make Selling Fun: Live Recording with Ann Knuttila