The Importance of Rest and Reward


One simple hack that is SUPER easy to follow through on, is to reward yourself!! hustled your butt off towards your goals and then totally CRUSHED THEM! So, you better be patting yo' self on the back! 

A little reward goes a long way but it’s all about knowing what motivates you. Personally, I'm a shopper. So it might be some shoes or a new bag or outfit.  Let's be real, I've rewarded myself with new bras before. But I use that motivation to keep me on task. Maybe your sparkle and shine is a long walk in the park, or to browse Amazon after a big day. The trick here is to figure out what motivates you and use it. Maybe material things don't do it for you; try to figure out what does! Are you an adventurous person? Your reward might be sight-seeing, hiking with a friend, or a weekend getaway at your favorite B&B. Alternatively, you could be more of a simple gal who enjoys long hot baths and rewatching that guilty pleasure movie. Or for my single ladies, it could be a girls wine night with your besties! Don’t be shy when it comes to self care, the sky’s the limit!

Investigate yourself and do some inner searching to find out what motivates you.

Use these rewards as mini-motivators to keep going, even when the going gets tough! My thought process goes like this: If I can just do THIS (insert here!), then I get an “X” reward.


It can be as much or as little, but find what works for you! Set the goal, decide on a reward and work towards it. And remember, these goals need to be attainable. You set a goal to start a new business, get 25 new clients and a website up in the next 30 days...well that would be amazing, but is that realistic? You want your goals to push you, but not derail you!


Rest and Reward Tips and Tricks

Reward yourself for “a job well done” with as much or as little as you’d like, but find what works for you to keep going. It’s gotta be just right to work for you long-term. Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks to self reward.

#1 Set The Goal

Remember, these goals need to stretch you but also be achievable! Some examples of goals might be; sign “X” amount of new clients this month, start a newsletter, hire my first VA, or write 2 blogs this month. Know what tasks move the needle forward in your business and create your goals around those actions.


#2 Decide On a Reward & A Reward System

The FUN part! Do that soul searching and discover your favorite rewards. These can be small or big, but only you know how to treat yourself and what’s within your budget! Next, come up with a recurring reward system! Keep it simple and make sure you’re doing enough to keep you motivated. Each of your accomplishments shouldn’t go unnoticed because they deserve your attention!


#3 Stay On Track

Lastly, and here’s the kicker, keep it consistent! I know how easy it can be to fall back on promises we make to ourselves and think, “It’s alright, I’ll do it next time!” No, no, NO. YOU deserve to be rewarded and treat yourself for your hard-work. Don’t fall into the trap of putting off your own rewards and self care. This can easily turn into losing energy or even worse… burnout.


You’ve Earned It!

GO YOU!! Start with these three easy tips and begin rewarding yourself for all that hard work you put in every day. 

#TreatYOURSELF #YouDeserveThis #GOALSinSIGHT


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