How to Make Selling Fun: Live Recording with Ann Knuttila


Sales can be fun!

I have teamed up with my dear friend Ann Knuttila, a strategic growth consultant, to answer the most common questions we see from small business owners around selling.

Ann works with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them gain confidence in selling and ultimately elevate their brand and services to grow their business.

This conversation with Ann helps erase the stigma around selling. People are selling every single day, you just might not realize it. When we shift our mindset around selling, it can really help the way we approach situations and make sales feel more natural.

We cover everything from how to find your ideal client, to the biggest mistakes people make when selling, normalizing the "no", tips for a successful sales call and how to close the sale.


Check out the full replay at the link below!

In addition, Ann has a new program that she is launching called "GROW WITH ME".

This program is an 8 week program that helps you gain confidence in your selling. In the 8 weeks, Ann will walk with you through the sales process, creating simple action plans so that you will have quick wins within the 8 weeks. Her new program will give you everything you need to find clarity in your business and set yourself up for success in the future.

If you are interested in learning more, contact Ann Knuttila below!

Ann Knuttila

LinkedIn :

Instagram: @annknuttila


Summer Reading List


Time Management Strategies for the Overwhelmed Mom