4 Fears That Hold Us Back When Building a Team

4 Fears That Hold Us Back When Building a Team

Why do we feel like we need to do it all? 

One thing I’ve realized recently is that even though I have the skills, it doesn’t serve me or my clients to try and do ALL the things ALL the time!

Don’t get stuck on that hamster wheel where you try to focus on too many things at once.

Instead, you should delegate and start to grow your team. I had a hard time coming to this conclusion and I think the main reasons were some fears that most business owners hold.

So what are these fears and how do we overcome them?

  1. Fear of Failure.

    If I fail, no biggie! But what if I fail and let my team down!? Don’t be afraid of this. What’s the worst-case scenario? Okay, you fail and learn from the situation. Still no biggie! 

  2. Fear of Finances.

    I’m barely making this work for myself. How can I afford to start paying other people to help me? You’d be surprised what you can afford once you go full time. I utilize the ‘Profit First’ business management method when managing finances and it truly helped me see how much delegation I could afford. If you don’t know what that is, I highly recommend you look it up and read the book! 

  3. Fear of Leadership.

    What if I suck as a leader? What if my team hates me? This is a common, yet, unrealistic fear. You started a business - that already makes you a leader. At the end of the day, you are who you are and if team members can’t understand that then there are plenty of other fish in the sea that will!

  4. Fear of Success.

    What if this actually works and I get too busy and I lose any semblance of work and family harmony and my family hates me? Again, unrealistic. The whole point of delegating tasks is so that you can have the freedom to spend time with your family and be successful at the same time!

We all fear these things but these are by far the worst case scenarios.

I’ll leave you all with one of my favorite Judi Holler quotes…

The thing fear hates more than anything else is ACTION...that action then creates momentum and momentum is your superpower.”


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