Why Should You Have a Word of the Year?


I’ve been choosing a word of the year for about six years now.

I'm not sure where I got the idea, but words are SO powerful and focusing on a word of the year has been huge for my growth as a wife, mother, and business owner.

To find my 2023 word, I started back around September of last year. My process included thinking about Bible verses, impactful quotes, and upcoming goals.

I thought about Zephaniah 3:17:

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing.”

Nothing stood out to me just then. But I was at church one Sunday morning, and the sermon was about taking delight in the current season. Delight” really spoke to me after that. So, when I got home from church, I consulted the dictionary. Here is what I found:



noun: de·​light di-ˈlīt  


: a high degree of gratification or pleasure : JOY children squealing in delight

also : extreme satisfaction seems to take delight in the misfortunes of others


: something that gives great pleasure her performance was a delight


archaic: the power of affording pleasure of more delight than hawks or horses be—Shakespeare

“Delight” quite literally means joy, pleasure, AND satisfaction. What a perfect word for what I am seeking this year! It has already been challenging. We are crazy busy with things that MUST get done. There seems to be precious little time to just chill. I admit I'm bad about not taking the time to notice and delight in special moments. Keeping the word “delight” in my mind constantly reminds me how important it is to savor the small things. 

One year, when I first started my business, my word was “unshakeable.” It was a Godsend in that building phase, where entrepreneurs are questioning every decision, and our faith in ourselves takes a beating. 

Your word of the year is an affirmation - an easy way to keep your focus in front of your mind throughout the busy days and endless weeks.

Finding your word of the year

Choosing your word is not unlike making a New Year’s resolution. It’s meant to help your wellbeing in the new year. But we all know what happens to most resolutions!  

A word of the year isn’t like a resolution. It doesn’t require anything of you. It works FOR you and helps guide your daily actions. This is especially useful at your business, where the everyday crush of must-do activity tends to push the bigger plans aside.

You might have already chosen a word for this year, but if you’re struggling, here are some tips to draw it out.

Look deep inside yourself

Question what’s most important to you to accomplish this year. This might mean figuring out what you need more or less of in your life. What would make you more content?  How do you want to feel whenever possible?

Picture yourself happier and more content

If you found the above tip challenging, visualization might help you. What does a great day look like to you, when you get up, when at work, after you get home, interacting with people, etc.?

Meditate on it

It might be impossible to think about your priority this year on a typical busy day. But, sitting in complete silence for several minutes and asking yourself, “What word do I want to focus on?” can help you. You might need to try it a few times before you get the answer.  

Make a jot list

Write down the words that popped up for you doing the above. Don’t try to write everything perfectly or explain why you thought of the words! Literally, just write the ones that came to you. 

Choose your finalists

Look at your word list and pick your favorite few. Is there a theme? How do you feel when you read them? Is one not a feel-good word? Sometimes unsettling words can get at the root of what’s important to us, like solving a sticky, uncomfortable problem. But if your word brings you peace and empowerment, awesome! There is no right or wrong - just trust your gut.   

Pick your word

The right word will make you feel as if you must have it in your life. It will drive and inspire you. Think about your “finalist” words until you can crown a winner! It might take a few days or weeks. If you need to go back to the drawing board, do it.

Having a word of the year grounds me, reminds me of my focus, and prompts me to delight in the moment, to spread delight with those around me - and to remember that The Almighty delights in ME! 

My past words: Fearless, Intentional, Unshakeable, Surrender, Rooted, Delight

Happy choosing!


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