Breaking Goals Into Habits


It's already February! Anyone already ditch their resolutions and goals? We tend to start with a bang and then fizzle out.

Dare I say it? New Year, New Me?

I know that most people die a little inside when hearing this phrase. But why IS it so cringeworthy to commit to bettering yourself? Is it because it's overwhelming? Unfortunately, studies and statistics prove that only 6% of people follow through on the goals they set. Even that number is high, considering most people I've met state they have never fully committed to a goal they set as a New Year's Resolution.


Regardless, as a dreamer and a goal-setter, I cannot help but love the idea of a new year, a fresh start, an open canvas of a year. It's like a Monday on steroids! Side note, January 1st, 2023, also fell on a Monday, and wow, my goal-setting, fresh start loving, open canvas-loving self was thrilled to the core.

The idea of changing oneself can feel overwhelming. The fear of burnout is legit! However, some of you are visionaries and can see all you want to accomplish one, three, and five years from today. I, on the other hand, am a task person. Give me a list, and I'll crank it out, but give me the job of planning big goals. It's a lofty challenge. I usually end up feeling frustrated, confused, and defeated.

Maybe you have heard the silly joke, "how do you eat an elephant?" and the answer is "one bite at a time." Yes, totally a dad joke, but in reality, it brings up a valuable and vital concept when goal setting. 

I like to call this method the: the DOZEN X 3

Aim for no more than a Dozen (12) goals a year, broken into three goals per quarter. 

Sounds a lot simpler? The Dozen X 3 rule is more of a guideline than a rule, but it helps break down big goals into bite-size pieces to achieve over time. Consistency is KEY! To keep chipping away at the end goal will eventually get you there. 

Even further, breaking the goals into small, daily, simple, and achievable habits will eventually bring success. This can apply to business, health, parenting, and lifestyle goals. 

If your goal were to drink 100 oz of water daily, it would be nearly impossible to sit down and chug the entire 100oz in one sitting. So instead, it would be easier to drink throughout the day.

Similarly, small habits can add to significant change with consistency, perseverance, and a skillful breakdown when working towards a lofty year-long goal. 

Let's form an example for your business using the DOZEN X 3 rule.


Goal: Build your side hobby into a business to replace your full-time income.

It would be best if you had $100k in yearly salary to replace your current full-time job. This could be an incredibly lofty goal depending on where your business is right now. However, let's continue to break it down.


Quarter One - First three months

Potential Goals

  • Bring on three new clients

  • Complete eight projects

  • Achieve $25k in revenue


  • Daily connecting on social media 

  • Three sales calls per week

  • Completing two proposals per week

  • Attending monthly networking events


Quarter Two - Second three months

Potential Goals

  • Double the amount of projects and/or estimates

  • Hiring a team member

  • Adding another $25k in revenue


  • Meet with a financial advisor or account to make sure you are set up for success

  • Delegate your tasks so you can stay in your zone of genius


Quarter Three and Four - Follow suit!

Complex goals ARE achievable when you take the correct and attainable steps in a way that makes sense, simplifies the madness, and brings order and consistency to the dream. Breaking down complex goals into habits and smaller pieces using the DOZEN X 3 rule is critical in building success and not failing due to burnout or overwhelm.

I hope you find this helpful and can apply this rule in your life to help you achieve the goals you have set in 2023. I find this process healing, exciting, and fun to break down my goals into manageable pieces!

HAPPY Goal Setting!


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