How to STOMP Those Limiting Beliefs!


If your business isn’t doing as well as you’d like, it’s SO easy to look outside yourself for reasons why.

Did you ever stop to think that YOU might be a major reason why things aren’t going your way? I know, OUCH, punch to the gut, eating a piece of humble pie am i right? But hear me out because it’s nothing you do intentionally. It’s that pesky negative voice and those annoying limiting beliefs that are holding you back.   

How to Stop Limiting Beliefs

So, what are “limiting beliefs”? Pretty much what it sounds like. Deep inside, we all hold on to values and belief systems that stick with us through life. The challenges happen when those beliefs aren’t true and aren’t doing you any favors.


We’ve all got ‘em: beliefs we tell ourselves that hold us back. Things like, “I’ll never be successful” or “it’s impossible to make good money” keep us stuck, no matter how hard we try.

If you’re like most people (ME included!), those “I always f*ck up” thoughts like to stick around the longest. This kind of mental bullying is causing you more struggle than any tangible problem in your business. 

You have to learn how to push PAST your limiting beliefs so that you can continue to move forward every single day. How? Check out these tips!

Ask, “What is my “why”?

First off, you are a BADASS to even take the bold step of following your dream. Now, think back to WHY you wanted to do it. Grab that feeling! Hug it tightly and use it to create something special that no one can duplicate. You MUST define your why, which includes your core values, mission, and vision. And you’ve got to stick to those in everything you do for your business. 

Never losing sight of your “why” will help you push past your limiting thoughts and power through those mental challenges. And when you slay a challenge, you lift yourself up, too! 

Start creating that positive feedback loop today!


Work on your self-assurance

You’re nice to others - especially the people you depend on to help propel your business. But how do you talk to yourself? Like crap? Hey…we ALL are guilty of sh*tty self-talk and negative thoughts! Stop it NOW! No one but YOU can change your internal monologue, which is probably a significant part of what is holding you back.

The next time you start thinking negatively and saying things to yourself that you’d NEVER say to a friend, focus instead on disproving your doubts. Get sassy with yourself! When you say, “I’ll never make this deadline,” respond to that limiting voice. “Yes, I WILL make the deadline, IF I focus on getting xyz done in the next two hours.” 

Don’t give in to your negative feelings and fall down that mental rabbit hole. Instead, turn them into positive thinking and build confidence by focusing on the facts ONLY, and on achieving whatever you can.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew

In our society, we’re encouraged to dream big. “GO BIG OR GO HOME!” is literally screamed at us from all corners. Well, that SOUNDS great, but it’s a sure recipe for getting overwhelmed and a recipe for burnout. You cannot do everything all at once. And trying to do so and failing just throws you down that negative mental rabbit hole once again and reinforces your self-doubt.

To slay your objectives, your best bet is to work short-term. Set goals that can be achieved in a few days or a few weeks. When you eat the elephant one bite at a time, you are much more likely to get it done. And when you do, boom! A big project is done because you broke it down and made it possible!

Take a mental break

Living in America, we are often made to feel that if we aren’t working 16 hours a day, getting almost no sleep, and constantly worrying about success, we’re losers. But that’s yet another limiting belief.

Sometimes taking a break and having FUN is the best way to come up with a solution or a new idea. Anything enjoyable that you can throw yourself into will take your mind off your business. Whether that’s heading for your fave coffee shop, scrolling social media, walking around the block a few times, talking to a friend, or whatever, take time to do fun things that truly remove you and your fried brain from your business and its challenges.

Being fully immersed in something you love to do is a brain reset. When you must get back to business, let the good vibes keep flowing through you. Stay loose as long as possible and the ideas will come, I promise.

“If we can see past preconceived limitations, then the possibilities are endless.” ―Amy Purdy

Make it your mission every day to try to overcome limiting beliefs whenever you have them. The more you do it, the more you’ll mentally start working FOR and not AGAINST yourself and your business success.


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