Guest Blog: Content Creating Made Easy with Heather Quill

Guest Blog: Content Creating Made Easy with Heather Quill

Creating new content for your business every week can be tiring.

I'm assuming you have sat at your computer week by week, twiddling your thumbs, hoping for an idea to pop into your head, getting frustrated as the minutes go on because you've just wasted so much time.

We've all been there before. This is why I developed a process that not only works BUT is efficient!

First off, let's discuss the idea behind content buckets or as others like to call them content pillars. What are they? Content buckets (or pillars) are topics that make up your business. For example, my content buckets are... Social media, content creation, productivity, wellbeing and business tools. <--- I tell everyone to start with 3-5 content buckets first and add on as you see fit.

Once you have your content buckets established, then you can start, what I like to call, spider-webbing ideas based on those content buckets. For example, you take one of your content buckets and create ONE blog post or ONE podcast. Cool right!? (Fun fact: you can also do this with those long-winded social posts!)


There are always plenty of ideas to pull from; all you need to do is get creative!

Next, is what I like to call the 'content creation repurposing process'. Like I said, you start with ONE blog post, ONE podcast, or ONE topic idea and elaborate on that.

Utilizing multiple social platforms in your business not only gives you more visibility but helps you stay current on today's trends. That being said, just because you are on multiple platforms doesn't mean it has to be overwhelming. This content creation process is to prevent stress and make your content-creating life EASIER!

My suggestion is to have a system in place whether it be through Trello or Click Up. Start with creating Pinterest graphics while batching those blog posts. I love Tailwind for Pinterest scheduling as you can easily add your fonts, images and brand colors and THEY design up to 15 Pinterest graphics for you each month! My rule of thumb is to create 3-5 Pinterest graphics, headlines and descriptions for EACH blog post. This gives you the potential to increase your click through rates and have more impressions on just that one blog post!

Then we move onto social media (and by social media I mean Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter). Like I explained earlier, pull out at least 3 potential social posts based off of the content shared in that one blog post. This can be tricky, so I recommend attempting this first thing in the morning, or another time, where your brain is efficient and the most creative. Remember, to write separate pieces of content for every platform as both the character counts and hashtag algorithms are all different. Also, stay clear from using emojis on LinkedIn!

Next up is email marketing! Do you have an email going out every week? First of all, good for you; I do the same! However, there's always that issue of wondering what the heck to put in it each week. Well, your problem is solved! Take your highest engaged social post from the week prior and repurpose that content into your email. Then add a CTA and roll that content into how your email list can work with you. You are both promoting yourself and sharing educational or relational content that's most likely to draw your email list IN! Don't forget an enticing headline to increase that click-through rate!!!

Now that we've determined the content creation process, there's that dreaded 'how do I come up with my content'?

*Pulls out that Staples 'Easy' button!*

As entrepreneurs, we are ALWAYS learning new things. You're going to talk to other entrepreneurs, you're going to attend networking events, you're going to have situations pop up with current and potential clients. That, ladies, is where you will get your content. That is where you will determine a gap in how you can better engage with and understand your target audience AND give them the best content that will HELP them!

Any time a situation like that pops up during the week, write it down, or better yet type it into the notes section of your phone. I know, it sounds like a lot of work at first, but as you do it more, it will become second nature.

Another way to brain dump and 'come up with' ideas is to ask your audience directly. Hello! Market research is done for a reason! Ask them where they're struggling with. Ask them what they need to take their business to the next level. Ask them what they most likely look for in a {insert your niche here}.

Gathering this information will help you better speak to your ICA and develop content each week to, that's right, lead to sales!

Heather Quill Bio:

Heather Quill is the founder of HQ Virtual Solutions, full-service digital marketing, and business agency that helps entrepreneurs save time and grow their brand online using both system management and digital marketing strategies.

After working in both marketing and project management for well-known corporations for over 8+ years, Heather decided to put her digital marketing and organizational passions to life by launching HQ Virtual Solutions!

In her free time, you can find her spending time with her hubby, sipping on drinks with friends (specifically red wine), snuggling her pug, and remodeling their 1950's rancher!

To learn more about Heather and how you can work with her, please visit or Instagram: @theheatherquill


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