5 Tips to Help Keep Your Business Simple

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Let’s talk about simplicity and consistency.

Let’s be honest. You can make all the plans, work your plan, focus, and create a plethora of systems but if the process is overly complicated, you’re never going to see big dreams come to fruition!

Important: Keep your life as simple as possible and create consistency. This helps you follow through on tasks and goals.

Our brains usually want us to go down the easier path, so if you create huge goals without systems or breaking them down, you’ll have a hard time completing them.


Here are 5 tips to help you keep things simple:

  1. Keep like-items together.

    If you have your biz stuff all over the place, that can easily create chaos. Try to find a central place for these types of items or files. Even if you can’t fit it all in a designated place, trying lumping them all together in the same area or filing system. This is especially important if you are working from home!


2. Batch work your work.

I’ve mentioned this before, but if you need to follow up with a client or customer, take 30 minutes and follow up with everyone instead. Writing blog posts or emails? Do it all together! Batching can save you time and mental energy because you aren't shifting from one thing to another, over and over, in a short amount of time.

3. Delegate your work.

If you can afford it OR you have little ones, spouses, or even a helpful mother-in-law, give them jobs! You're all in this together. You succeed, they succeed! So get them to help out! You’ll thank me later!

4. Use technology to your advantage.

Unsubscribe, turn off notifications, delete old photos and documents...declutter the tech stuff! Don’t let the digital clutter derail you.

5. Simplify your schedule.

Keep your schedule to the bare minimum. This means saying NO to a lot of things that might not work BEST for your season. Fun fact: My kids generally don’t do more than 2 activities at any given time. With 4 kids, just two activities amount to 8 things my husband and I will be running around to. I make them choose the thing they LOVE to do. I still remember the day I had to pick between dance and riding horses as a kid.

Work these tips into your life, and keep business simple, so you can stay consistent!


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