The New Year Checklist You Need


If you know me, you know I'm not big into New Year's Resolutions.

However, I am a "let's evaluate our systems and processes" in the New Year type of person. We often go into a new year thinking we need to make massive changes or shifts in our businesses. I've learned over the years that focusing on incremental and achievable steps will help you get to your goals way quicker! Do you know why? Because you're way more apt to stay on course with small steps than some overwhelming goal.

Think about weight loss. People who lose 50 pounds don't lose it overnight. They lose it by making slight daily adjustments over time. Remember to play the long game! Try not to be distracted by a shiny "New Year's Resolution."

If your stomach is in knots and you feel guilty because you already think you're behind, take a breath! Remember, small steps over time.

I've created a simple checklist to help set your business up for a great year! Use this list to help you kickstart the year. This list is simple but probably time-consuming...especially if you don't have systems for some of these tasks. Make a list in your ClickUp or Asana, add some due dates and keep yourself accountable. Reach out if you need help!

Ready?? Let's go!


update your passwords

When was the last you did this? Have you seen a security alert pop up somewhere, and you never got around to changing the password? Are you constantly tapping "forgot password" on every account because you're not tracking what they are?

First, please download Last Pass. It's an excellent tool for accessing your passwords quickly. The Google Chrome extension is da bomb!

What passwords should you update?

  • Bank Accounts & Payment Processors - Business and personal accounts, all banks, all credit cards, everything you got!

  • Social Media Accounts - You know what they are, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, Pinterest, Tailwind, Scheduling Platforms, and any other social app on your phone!

  • Website & Email Marketing - This is your Squarespace, WordPress, Flodesk, or Active Campaign platforms.

  • Affiliate Partnerships & Payouts - Maybe you're leaving money on the table because you need to update passwords. Log in to every partnership you've had and ensure you have what you need.

  • File Sharing & Project Management - ClickUp, Trello, Google Drive, and Dropbox accounts.


update all copyright dates

You want to go through all of your assets and update the BusinessNameCopyright2023. Cover your booty!

  • Check your branding

  • Images and videos

  • Deliverables such as client resources and freebies

  • Content (even if it's free)

  • Website

  • Anything you currently sell (courses, programs, physical products, etc.)


set your financial goals

Make sure to track leads, ongoing sales, and expected sales, and make your plan on how those big dreams are going to become a reality.

Set aside time to clean up your financial books and trackers. Please don't leave them a mess. Set up the new year so you can hit the ground running. If you're like me, my books are what I procrastinate about the most! It's not creative, most of us don't think it's fun, but it's necessary to release future stress and hit our goals.

Tip: Start collecting your tax info NOW! April 15th always comes quicker than we think!


establish your budget

No one likes this one. If you have trouble in this area (many of us do), a book I have read and listened to many times is Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. Pay attention to more than what you want to make. Review your expenses and prioritize investing. Don't keep yourself in the dark! Companies succeed when they are wise with their money.


perform a swot analysis

Wondering what that is? In a SWOT analysis, you assess your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This exercise will give you a clear picture of what to focus on and what you can delegate to create more realistic goals.


practice gratitude

Celebrate those wins from last year! This step is just as crucial as the nit-picky things we discussed above. Gratitude keeps you grounded, helps create more peace and joy in your life, and reminds you that you're doing the best you can, even when things don't go according to plan!


release your failures

If you aren't failing, you aren't growing. If you aren't failing, you're doing something wrong! Release yourself from any past (and future) mistakes and ask yourself, "what did I learn from this?"


review your team

Is everyone in the right spot and in a role that allows them to be successful? In baseball, you can't expect a pitcher to do the same job in the same way if you play them in the outfield. That's not their strength. You might need to re-evaluate if you're asking your VA to design your website or your designer to check your inbox. Now, if you have a small team and everyone needs to pitch in, I get it, but keep in mind that most team members who stay long-term, stay because the role is fulfilling for them and aligns with their true strengths.

Make sure your team are in roles they LOVE!

Tip: Meet regularly with each team member! One-on-one meetings are great ways to build a solid culture, hear each person's goals, and learn about their concerns. Their success is your success! So prioritize building them up.



Remember, NOT resolutions. Goals are usually a part of a big vision and are backed by well-planned steps and tasks with due dates attached. Personally, I love setting quarterly goals. Yearly goals are hard for me to establish, as being a visionary is not a strength of mine.

Need help developing out your vision and breaking that down into goals, steps and tasks? I have some great resources for you!

Vision Map Like A Pro Blog

The Mini Guide to Finding Your Vision

Sign up for my FREE Vision Masterclass Here

If you have a team, remember to meet with them and share the vision! This is where the magic sauce is:

  • What are your sales goals?

  • What are your financial goals? 

  • What is this year's marketing plan?

  • What are the team roles?

  • Are there changes in business development?

  • What is new product creation that needs to get done?

Remember, this doesn't have to get done today. Select one area and just start!

Love checklists? We've got you covered. Download our PDF, pin it up, and kick A$$ in 2023!




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